Friday, August 14, 2015

SECOND IN THE NATION is not something to neglect!
You guys and your hard work have paid off!

And it was SO CLOSE.
Massachusetts' final score = 23.
OURS = 22!

You should be proud, fellas!
I know, I am!

Our sponsor, Lorna Finman, sent me this congratulatory email I want to share:

Dave and Team

Absolutely AWESOME -  There were tough competitors - California, Massachusetts -
I am so IMPRESSED!!!

I think some press is in order!!!  That rural Idaho was second in the nation with the big guys - look out everyone!!


China - this is the zero gravity space simulation and C programming of mini satellites on the space station that is run by the astronauts on ISS.  STEM Charter won in Idaho and went on the national competition and getting second nationally is HUGE.  Incredible high level learning in this competition.


This is more than globally competitive - its cosmic!!



Monday, August 10, 2015

Friday, August 14th - the day we go into space! 

FIRST - we are now meeting at North Idaho STEM Charter instead of Woodland.
For those not familiar with directions, see the MAP to STEM. It is located just south of the Super One in Rathdrum.

We now have more details from MIT and NASA concerning the final competition this Friday.

We will begin at 6:30. 
The actual competition was moved earlier than previously said - it will now being at 6:45. Both Idaho teams will be in the first heat - so be here, if you can, on time.
We should be finished now by 10 AM.
[I will need to leave by 11 AM, so please make sure you have someone to pick you up by then]

Hartman Waffle Extraordinaire!
Mr. and Mrs. Hartman have offered once again to generously make us their world famous, "drop-everything-and-run-to-get-yours" waffles!!! So come early with an appetite!

This is laid back - kick back - watch our SPHERES win - and just enjoy yourself!

So - come join us!


Monday, August 3, 2015


We did it....well, YOU did!
We are going to space on August 14th!

Our code was run against the other teams in Idaho and out of the 8 games we played against Meridian and Coeur d'Alene, we won 7! Our top score was....well, let's keep that confidential for any other teams out there scoping to learn how to beat us in the final competition!

Let's just say to those future can't hear yourself scream in space!

Today (Monday) we will take the day off and reassess our next move. If you guys wish to get together the next two days and enhance our code, let's do it.
If you chose to take the next two days off, that's OK too. Just let me know by the afternoon so we can make a decision.

I WILL GET EVERYONE INFO ON THE FINAL COMPETITION DAY (August 14) AS SOON AS I KNOW MORE. NASA will provide the time of the event later.

We will meet at 9 AM, as usual, at North Idaho STEM Charter - go over the simulations and results; fill out an exit survey (MIT requests this from all participants), then head over to Spokane for the day.

We will visit the planetarium but also eat lunch over in Spokane.
We'll go to McDucks, Arby's, Burger King or where ever you wish for lunch. And get ready for the master capture the flag competition of your lifetime!!!